Pool – Transitional Pool

Pool - Transitional Pool

Pool – Transitional Pool
Example of a mid-sized transitional backyard concrete paver and rectangular aboveground pool design #pavers, #rasmussen, #faux stone, #massaranduba, #indoor-outdoor living, #pool

Traditional Pool – Poolhouse

Traditional Pool - Poolhouse

Traditional Pool – Poolhouse
Example of a mid-sized classic backyard tile and rectangular lap pool house design #white pergola, #white trim, #grass laid concrete pavers, #wooden fencing, #large slate pavers, #natural turf

Dallas Rustic Pool

Dallas Rustic Pool

Dallas Rustic Pool
Inspiration for a mid-sized rustic backyard stamped concrete and kidney-shaped pool fountain remodel #water feature, #stamped and stained concrete, #outdoor kitchen, #rock outdoor kitchen, #pool, #open outdoor kitchen, #metal roof outdoor kitchen